Forest Therapy Programs: Mission & Vision Talk

Sunday, June 3rd 2018, Forest Therapy Programs: Mission & Vision Talk

  • What is Forest Therapy / Forest Bathing about?
  • Why do we need educated Forest Therapy Guides?
  • What is the purpose, the mission and the vision of the leading organization that certifies them?
  • How do people benefit from being guided additionally to going to the forest by themselves?
  • How does the connection between people and nature bring more wellbeing and health to all – the individuals, the society and our environment?
  • How role does Forest Therapy play in Forest Selfness Cerkno?

You will also get to know the best book on Forest Therapy titled “Your Guide to Forest Bathing: Experience the Healing Power of Nature” and of course its author, our honored guest and life-long forest guide Mr. M. Amos Clifford!

Location: Hotel Cerkno

Presenter: M. Amos Clifford, the founder and leader of the global Association for Forest Therapy Guides and Programs, USA

The event is FREE. All details to be announced. Follow us and don’t miss out!


Forest Therapy Walk

Friday, June 8th 2018, Forest Therapy Walk

Come and try how it is being guided into an immersive forest therapy experience by the ANFT trainees. Use this unique opportunity and give yourself a chance to re-connect and be supported by nature – and give the trainees a chance to practice J

All are welcome – the walk will be guided in English and in Slovenian language.

This will be a slow Forest Therapy Walk and not a hike. The walk is FREE of charge.

Sign up strongly recommended at

Meeting point at Hotel Cerkno.

All details to be announced. Follow us and don’t miss out!

Katarina Čuk gained the first certificate for a Forest Therapy Guide in Slovenia

In May 2017 the Forest Selfness guide Katarina Čuk attended training for forest therapy guides in Northern California, USA with the globally acclaimed Association for Nature and Forest Therapy Guides and Programs. The training is based on the decades of scientific research , traditional knowledge and experience on the healing power of natural, especially forest environments, as well as the global trends and vast repertoire of knowledge on preventive health, psychology and personal growth, naturalistic knowledge and environmental science. It took place in the Sugarloaf Ridge State Park with beautiful mixed forests, while the participants also got to practice in a sequoia forest, in a botanical garden, a Japanese garden, on the mountain ridge trails and gorgeous meadows. After the training intensive each participant went to their home natural environment for a 6-months mentored praxis. After the praxis Katarina gained the first certificate for a Forest Therapy Guide in Slovenia.

Popolno gozdno razvajanje – NOV TERMIN 6.8.2016!

Vabljeni, da se nam pridružite na Popolnem gozdnem razvajanju, tudi v okviru razpisanega termina, in sicer v soboto, 6.8.2016 ob 8.30h. Prijave zbiramo do četrtka, 4.8.2016, oziroma do zapolnitve prostih mest. Več o programu si lahko preberete TUKAJ.

Gozdni selfness v STO-jevi publikaciji Zelena doživetja


Slovenska turistična organizacija je izdala novo publikacijo Zelena doživetja v kateri so predstavljene zelene zgodbe devetih destinacij z znakom Slovenia Green, med katerimi je tudi Cerkno in zgodba Gozdnega selfnessa.

Publikacija je dostopna TUKAJ.

Gozdni selfness predstavljen na Mednarodnem simpoziju gozdne medicine v Beogradu

Na Mednarodnem simpoziju gozdne medicine, ki je potekal od 23. – 24. maja v Beogradu pod okriljem Medical SPA Association Srbije, je gostovala tudi ekipa Gozdnega selfnessa, ki je s predstavitvijo inovativnega produkta Gozdni selfness kot primera dobre prakse, promovirala naravne lepote Cerkljanske.

Več o programu si lahko preberete na medicine-2016/